Baby stab crab forward backward combo
Baby stab crab forward backward combo ?
To make this combination you must make a double baby, 2 stab, 1 backward, 1 forward, 1 backward, 1 crab1 short backward and the release.
After the release, close the cross to start the combination again.
Beware the amplitude of the second backward is less strong than the first one.
Start by cutting the combination in half for ease of use:
The last backward is short because the time between opening and closing the crossfader is very short.
Take advantage of the Q & A for training.
The combinations are quite personal and it is in no way to copy anything.
This combo scratch is for training purposes only, in order to link the scratching techniques so that you can link almost everything together.
Then you will be able to create your own combinations and why not invent scratching techniques !
Have fun, as long as the explanations are clear enough.
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